Yuppy-yup-yup... Wonder why I popped out from nowhere suddenly ya?
Haiya, after being scolded & cursed by my blogging queen friend- Kelly, aka Moonlight; I beh tahan of her cursing already: She first cursed in her personal blog, then move the curse to our group blog (make announcement saying that I'm a lazy bum-bum!), then scolded me thru the phone (have to put the phone 2 feet away to protect my right eardrum from bursting)! That's not all!!! She eventually pointed her index finger at me & condemned me face to face (with her saliva splatted all over my flawless skin! Now that's very cruel... )!
"You not only don't blog, you don't even bother to leave any comments to my blog leh!" Okok, I admitted that I've been a lazy bum for some time (i know what you wanna say: since Ice-Age ma...).
You must understand my situation what... I don't own a notebook. so I couldn't online after office hour (now different, coz my boss and neighbouring colleague are out for meeting, so take this opportunity to snake-snake a bit... that's why have to type fast-fast). What about weekend (everyone who read this blog most probably knew that I go home most weekends)? My weekends are not meant for PC keh... Weekend EQUALS rest days... Hence, I avoided PC... Why avoid PC you say? As a programmer, I worked with a PC terminal frm 9-6 daily (yeah.. no walking around keh, except lunchtime, I have to glue my bum on the chair for 7 hrs daily. Now you know why my hips so heavy - like hyppopotamus)! See PC terminal wanna muak liao (**please bear in mind this is not *kiss*kiss* muak, it refers to 'vommit' in malay)!!
Okie. Guess I have to stop here. Hehe. Yup, have to get back to work. Yala, yala... Will sneak some time to write my blog from time to time. So Kelly dearest... You can stop your cursing la... Hahaha. So long, darlings.... MUACKS! (now this is the *kiss*kiss* muak)
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LOL, you cursed Kelly kau kau in your blog. :)
You took half a year(6 months!!!) for one pathetic entry. What larrr!!!!! *spit* *tut*tut*tut* *spit* *spit*
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